If left unmanaged the effects of Queensland fruit fly can be devastating. An outbreak has the potential to damage our fruit and vegetable markets and is considered a major risk to Victoria’s multi-billion dollar horticulture industry.
We all have a role to play in the control of fruit fly, with community awareness and increased knowledge about integrated management measures imperative in protecting the region.

The Goulburn Murray Valley has strengthened fruit fly management through area wide management and collaboration of industry, government and the community. The appointment of the Queensland Fruit Fly Regional Coordinator in May 2017 was critical in implementing the management and coordination of the Queensland Fruit Fly Action Plan in the Goulburn Murray Valley region.
Since the project’s inception in 2017, the region has recorded a significant decrease in fruit fly trapped through the project’s extensive trapping grid.
To date the GMV fruit fly project has achieved:
- An 83% reduction of the fruit fly population
in the township of Cobram. - An 60% reduction in the fruit fly population
across the Goulburn Murray Valley region.
Avg Fruit Fly Population (%)
The collaborative approach taken to controlling the pest has allowed for a solid platform for Fruit Fly Area Wide Management and is serving as a model for other national and international Fruit Fly Area Wide Management projects.
Education, Workshops and Programs
Awareness, education and engagement has continued to increase.
The project has established benchmarks in the innovative Fruit Fly Area Wide Management that have been acknowledged in Australia and overseas.
Thanks for doing your bit to help!
- 14,241 education workshop participants
- Community and industry
- Schools Education Programs
- Community partnerships
- Links to existing regional events
- Service club support
- 2,500 active volunteers
- Community education outcomes
The Project assists and mentors the following organisations:
West Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
City of Wangaratta
Benalla Shire
Murrundindi Shire
Mid Ovens Landcare Network
Balmattum Sheans Creek Landcare Group
Harcourt Valley Fruit Fly Action Group
Goulburn Broken Landcare Network
Gecko Clan Landcare Group
Goulburn-Broken Landcare Group
Rotary International
Vic Roads
Rotary International
Goulburn Murray Landcare Network
Lockington Landcare Group
Billabong Nursery
GV Connect
(Disabled Services and
Support Organisation)
Garden Clubs
Monitoring and Research Programs
The project recognises the immense value in monitoring programs and research.
A two year monitoring program began in June 2017 and saw fruit fly traps positioned in selected locations across the region. The monitoring program is funded under the Victorian Government’s Managing Fruit Fly Regional Grants Program and provides valuable data about Queensland fruit fly populations.
In peak seasons the traps are checked on a weekly basis and provide valuable monitoring data that enables the identification of hotspots.
This program importantly allows for greater understanding of fruit fly activity across the region and ensures that control measures and management strategies are considered in conjunction with key monitoring data.
The Project collects a great deal of information, scientific data and supports a number of research programs, including:
Three Project funded,
independent Trapping Grids.
comprising 441 traps
Hotspot Field Offer Reports
(a total 3,942 reports)
pressure update reporting
Three year airborne Sterile Insect
Technique (SIT) trial in Cobram
Assisting Research Team
– FFAWM & SIT Radii Grid
Project hosted 2019 Australian
Tephritid Research Conference
Featured in 2019 Australian National Plant Biosecurity Status Report
Assisting WA DPIRD
FFAWM and 2020 QFF Outbreaks
Assisting Lincoln University, Christchurch, NZ – research
Assisting USA and Canada
Government Agencies – FFAWM
Information sharing on the project’s area wide management strategies