Strategies for producers

How fruit fly affects commercial growers

If left unmanaged the effects of Queensland fruit fly can be devastating. An outbreak has the potential to damage our fruit and vegetable markets and is considered a major risk to Victoria’s multi-billion dollar horticulture industry.

Recommended strategies

It is essential for commercial producers to review and update their fruit fly area wide management plan regularly. No single action will stop the spread of Queensland fruit fly, instead an integrated management approach is required.

It is important to monitor fruit fly populations all year round – not just at harvest time.

Essential control and prevention strategies include:

  • monitoring through trapping
  • fruit inspection
  • baits
  • netting
  • windfall clean-up and orchard hygiene
  • approved pesticides – in stock and ready for use if required

It is a good idea to have control material such as traps, baits and pesticides on-site and ready in the case of infestation. Pesticides can be purchased from local hardware stores and nurseries. Check that any pesticides in storage are within their use-by dates and still approved for use in your state and fruit type.

See the other pages within the ‘Control’ section for more information on strategies to help stop the spread of Queensland fruit fly.