
Baiting targets both male and female adult flies and can be an effective control method when used with supporting strategies. A bait spray is a mixture of protein based attractant (usually a yeast liquid) mixed with insecticide. Bait sprays are readily available from local agricultural suppliers, nurseries and many hardware stores.

A small portion (about 50ml) is spot-sprayed onto the trunk or foliage of host plants to target fruit fly before they attack fruit.

This method of control is effective as adult flies are attracted to bait droplets as a food source and killed by the insecticide. Female flies need to feed on protein before laying eggs and are attracted to the protein. When ingested, the insecticide kills the fly before egg laying occurs.

There is no need to spray the whole tree as only a small portion of the bait spray is required when baiting. It is important to maintain a regular baiting program, through until mid-autumn and apply bait sprays at 7-10 day intervals throughout the entire season. Baits need to be applied as high in the foliage or trunk as possible and re-applied immediately after rainfall of 20mm or more.

Bait spraying is a highly effective method to control fruit fly and should be used in conjunction with other control methods.