Winter weather

Weather conditions in the Goulburn Murray Valley point to the probability that Queensland fruit fly will survive the winter in greater numbers than in previous colder, drier years. It is important to make sure all fruit and fruiting vegetables are harvested and used or picked up and destroyed.

Hot spot overview

Temperatures have fallen throughout winter but there are still a number of locations where significant fruit fly populations are persisting. It is possible these areas have high populations and it is likely these sites have pockets that are warmer than other areas. In these cases, fruit fly move from fruiting plants to shelter plants where they can safely survive winter away from the cold and predators. Several locations in the Goulburn Murray Valley are currently providing refuge for fruit fly. Hot spot areas to look out for include:

  • Kyabram – very high
  • Ardmona – high
  • Bunbatha – high
  • Grahamvale – high
  • Merrigum – high
  • Mooroopna – very high
  • Orrvale – very high
  • Shepparton – high
  • Shepparton East – very high
  • Tatura – very high
  • Toolamba – very high
  • Undera – high
  • Invergordon – very high
  • Katunga – high
  • Nagambie – high

Stop the spread

If your property is close to (within 500m) of hot spot areas mentioned above, untended fruit fly host plants or feral hosts along roads, channels or in abandoned orchards you should keep a close watch on:

  • Fruit fly traps – male and female targeting. Traps are most useful when deployed in and around susceptible orchards all year round.

Check your traps at least once a week

  • Ripe or ripening fruit that show signs of infestation such as sting marks, abnormal fruit softening.

Check fruit for sting marks, eggs and larvae inside them at least once a week.


Online community survey open

We’re asking property owners and home gardeners to share with us what they know about fruit fly by completing an online community fruit fly survey. Survey findings will help us identify opportunities to further support and educate the community about fruit fly control.